How do I claim my Palawan Express Pera Padala cash out?

What is Coinsph App? I'm giving you 50 PHP on Coins, the easiest way to pay and get paid. Use code '9zrnn6' to sign up now!  How do I claim my Palawan Express Pera Padala cash out? How to get your claiming details If you are claiming a cash out from through Palawan Express, your claiming details will be provided to you via email and via SMS as soon as your money is ready for pick-up. What you'll need : Once you receive the email orSMS with the claiming details, you can already go to a Palawan Express branch toat you bring the following first, which you will be asked to provide at the branch:  ✨Two (2) valid IDs that bear the exact same name as what was indicated by you/your sender in the cash out order. Here's a list of IDs accepted by Palawan Express: Passport Driver's License PRC ID NBI Clearance Police Clearance Postal ID Voter's ID Tax Identification Number (TIN ID) Barangay Certificatio...

2Captcha : An Online Typing Job

Solve captcha online - automated captcha recognition service.
Captchas are images containing distorted text that should be entered or a set of different images where you should select only those fitting some condition. All this needs to be done to confirm that you're not a robot. 2captcha is made to connect customers who need to recognize many captchas in real time and workers who earn money recognizing captchas.
2captcha can recognize any currnly known captcha. We have a pool of workers online who can recognize up to 10 000 captchas per monute (we can recognize mode if the load will grow smoothly).
2captcha is your first online job. Earnings are no huge but it's not a full time job with strict requirements and it allows you to have some additional income in your free time.
How does it work?
We have customers who need to recognize lots of captchas in real time. And we have workers who are waiting for captchas to solve. Our service delivers captchas from customers to workers and answers from workers to customers.
How does that happens?
1. Worker requests a captcha. If we do not have a captcha then worker is placed to a queue waiting for captcha.
2. Customers uploads a captcha to our service
3. We give an unique ID to the captcha, send this ID to customer and charge his balance for solving the captcha.
4. We assign that captcha to a worker from queue (to that worker who is waiting more time)
5. Worker immediately solves the captcha and sends the answer to our service
6. We store the answer in our database and add funds to worker's account for solving the captcha.
7. When customers requests the answer by ID of captcha, we return the answer or if the answer is not ready yet, we tell to wait a little bit.
8. If suddenly the answer was incorrect, customer complains incorrect recognition and the asnwer is checked by workers with high rating who decide was the answer correct or not.
Why do customers need that?
Often people meet tasks that can't be performed automatically because there's a captcha. For example send a notification to multiple uses of a group or buy few pairs of sneakers during sale or get ranks of own website by different search requests. There are lots of possible reasons.
Previously people spend a lot of time solving captcha manually. Then people started to unite using a priciple "today you work on me and I work on you" and then quickly found that it is posiible to pay small reward to those who just started to earn money online, to pay them (workers) for solving captchas instead of them (customers). That is how our captcha solving serivce was founded. In our opinion is the most popular captcha solving service thanks to a great team of developers and support team of 2captcha.

For Concerns you can email at :

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